Entry Associate Degree Scholarship

The Entry Associate Degree Scholarship consists of 9-15 credit hours at a local community college in early childhood or early childhood special education courses only. This scholarship can be taken for one year only. A recipient can then apply for an Associate Degree Scholarship if they wish to continue their education. You do not need to start with an Entry Associate Degree Scholarship model, but it is an option available to all early childhood teachers, directors, and owners that meet the eligibility requirements.

Courses for this model will only be approved at a Missouri 2-year college found in the College Directory.)

The Entry Associate Degree Scholarship may best suit your needs if you are:

  • A teacher, director, assistant, aide, or owner
  • A director working towards Missouri state certification
  • Working on the education hours of a Child Development Associate Credential (CDA) for college credit
  • Seeking an introduction to the field of early childhood.

* Note: We cannot support any additional CDA fees or the assessment fees for a CDA.

If this is the right option for you, please use the links below to access the appropriate application materials.
Entry Associate Scholarship for Teacher and Director Packets
Entry Associate Scholarship for Family Child Care Owner Packet
Entry Associate Scholarship for Center Owner Packet

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Missouri is a licensed program of Child Care Services Association
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